Changelist (Delphi based)ġ.5.4.67 – Fixed searching for duplicates of Megacopy exit (wrong behavior causing application hanging), fixed recolor panel refreshġ.5.3.66 – Added display of character index under mouse cursor in view window Added DUP checkbox which controls display of duplicate characters in fontġ.5.2.65 – Added new export option: Save as Basic listing *.LST file that can be applied to your existing Basic program by calling ENTER “D:MYFONT. Description: Zelda Tech is an overworld editor for the Legend of Zelda. Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt Filetype: True Type Font (TTF. Preview of Font from 12pt to 36pt Filetype: True Type Font (TTF) File size: 44kb Author: Unknown Click here to download this font Tri Force - the font used in the text 'Zelda' in the Legend of Zelda logo. You can cancel clipboard paste by pressing ESC key or doubleclicking the right mousebutton. Sherwood Regular - The font used in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker logo. You can see them in game logos, marketing materials, or game text.

Tip: Keep in mind that multi-character clipboard is working only in Mega Copy mode, you will not be able to paste bigger clipboard contents when you exit the Mega Copy mode. There are many other fonts that appear in The Legend of Zelda games. You can type free text which will be copied to clipboard, so you can paste it to view (or font) window. Includes native support for Soundfonts (SF2 format). LMMS It stands for 'Linux MultiMedia Studio' but you can use it on Windows and Mac as well.

As you can see it is possible to copy characters to view window, but it is also possible to copy character data to font window, so it requires some hands-on experience to fully understand the options available.Īdditional function shown in the video is available after clicking on Enter text button. Modern versions may require a plugin like SForzando in order to make use of Soundfonts (SF2 format).